CAWA – Climatic Automotive Windtunnel Association

The Climatic Automotive Windtunnel Association was formed in September 1990 to provide an organization for operators of Climatic Automotive Windtunnel facilities in Europe.

The broad objective of the organization is “To provide at the operational level a means of interchange of ideas, techniques, and solutions of problems”. 
The general area of interest will include, but not be limited to:

  • Design, performance, and economics of test facilities.
  • Physical measurement, instrumentation, handling and reduction of data.
  • Facility operation and maintenance

Subjects of common interest and investigations throughout the years have been: Technical data, Comparison tests, Maintenance, Equipment suppliers, Manning levels, Refrigerant, Brine, Solar simulation, ISO Certifications, Operational issues and experiences etc.

One conference a year is scheduled and hosted by a different member company each year.

Several new members have joined the organization since it was formed, the total number of member companies is now 29.

Current Officers 

– Bernd Schütt (Hanon Systems Deutschland GmbH, Kerpen, Germany)

– Erik Söderberg (Scania, Södertälje, Sweden)

Members of Supporting Group: 
– Karsten Böhlke (BMW, Munich, Germany)
– Michael Steup (Ford, Cologne, Germany) 
– Erik Söderberg (Scania, Södertälje, Sweden)

Next Conference Host
– Rickard Johansson (Volvo Cars, Gothenburg, Sweden)

CAWA Membership 
Membership of CAWA will be limited to European companies which have and operate Climatic Automotive Windtunnels of sufficient size to conduct significant research and development work. In order to apply for CAWA membership compliance with the limitation statement above and agreement to the constitution will be necessary and should be followed up by a letter of intent to join to be sent to the Chairman.
Prospective new members will be required to give a presentation of their Climatic Windtunnel facilities at the next annual conference. Membership will then be decided on by a vote of existing members.

If you want to apply for membership, please take a look at our Constitution, especially point 3.6 Membership.